Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Church Banner is underway

It seems like . . .  people view the entire creative journey as a secret and mystical process.   Well, it's not.   It's a process, surely.   One you can learn.   Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's frustrating.    Sometimes the work goes quickly and sometimes you can be up to 2 a.m. ripping out seams.    Fortunately, mostly it is fun and rewarding.   

A new banner will be hanging in our church for Holy Week this year.    That's at the end of March.  Palm Sunday is March 28th, 2010.   This gives me a little over eight weeks to complete the work.  

Come along with me as I show you the entire process from start to finish.   

This banner will hang next to the pulpit during Holy Week.  My inspiration is the scene in the courtyard as Peter hangs around the fire waiting for word of Jesus' fate.   The chilly night, the small fire dying down, people trying to stay warm, dawn finally creeping into the sky.  The working title for this piece is "The Denial of Peter" and will be done in muted grays and purples with burgundy accents.  Because it is a lenten piece there will be subdued colors, no bright colors, no gold work, no shine or glitz.   

As I show you how the work progresses from start to finish I encourage your comments and questions.  

How do YOU start a project?